30 Days Archive

King Karak CAFETERIA has a vacancy for the occupation of Salesman, suitably qualified applicants can contact 39857572 or s-208030@hotmail.com

King Karak CAFETERIA has a vacancy for the occupation of Salesman, suitably qualified applicants can contact 39857572 or hind.althawadi@gmail.com

Waad Cafeteria has a vacancy for the occupation of Worker, suitably qualified applicants can contact 39857572 or s208030@hotmail.com

King Karak CAFETERIA has a vacancy for the occupation of Worker, suitably qualified applicants can contact 39857572 or s-208030@hotmail.com

Kims Watches COMPANY W.L.L. has a vacancy for the occupation of Salesman, suitably qualified applicants can contact 39857572 or hind.althawadi@gmail.com