30 Days Archive

Mohammed N.ahmed ALKHAIRANI (LUAWAYYER - 8486) has a vacancy for the occupation of Seaman, suitably qualified applicants can contact 33511889 or bu.nasser8@hotmail.com

Mohamed Naser AHMED ALKHAIRANI /GAZI ALBIHAR - 10158 has a vacancy for the occupation of Seaman, suitably qualified applicants can contact 33511889 or bu.nasser888@gmail.com

Jasim Naser AHMED ALKHAIRANI / ALMUKALA / 1813 has a vacancy for the occupation of Seaman, suitably qualified applicants can contact 33511889 or bu.nasser888@gmail.com

Nasser Ahmed ALKHAIRANI / ALNAJEM - 4341 has a vacancy for the occupation of Seaman, suitably qualified applicants can contact 33511889 or bu.nasser8@hotmail.com