30 Days Archive

Big Boss ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC W.L.L. has a vacancy for the occupation of Worker, suitably qualified applicants can contact 36627494 or bigbooselectrical@gmail.com

Jasim Miah REPAIR OF ELECTRONIC, ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT W.L.L. has a vacancy for the occupation of Worker, suitably qualified applicants can contact 36627494 or jasimmiah830263@gmail.com

Big Boss GENERAL CLEANING OF BUILDINGS W.L.L. has a vacancy for the occupation of Heavy Vehicle Driver, suitably qualified applicants can contact 36627494 or jasimmiah830263@gmail.com

Big Boss ELECTRONICS W.L.L. has a vacancy for the occupation of Worker, suitably qualified applicants can contact 36627494 or jasimmiah830263@gmail.com

Big Boss ELECTRONICS W.L.L. has a vacancy for the occupation of Accountant, suitably qualified applicants can contact 36627494 or jasimmiah830263@gmail.com

Jasim Miah PUBLICITY AND ADVERTISING W.L.L. has a vacancy for the occupation of Worker, suitably qualified applicants can contact 36627494 or jasimmiah830263@gmail.com

Jasim Miah REAL ESTATE W.L.L. has a vacancy for the occupation of Worker, suitably qualified applicants can contact 36627494 or jasimmiah830263@gmail.com